You must be a member of the coop to post an event on this site.
eventFall Music Festival
date_rangeNovember 10, 2024
scheduleRecital 5:15pm
scheduleStudent rehearsal with accompanist -- 4:00pm
peopleAudience attendance open to coop members, their students and family guests
location_on Christ Episcopal Church, 20 Carroll St, Poughkeepsie 12601
eventSpring Music Festival
date_rangeMay 19, 2024
scheduleRecital 3:15pm
scheduleStudent rehearsal with accompanist -- 2:00pm
peopleAudience attendance open to coop members, their students and family guests
location_on Christ Episcopal Church, 20 Carroll St, Poughkeepsie 12601
eventFall Music Festival
date_rangeOctober 29, 2023
scheduleRecital 2:15pm
scheduleStudent rehearsal with accompanist -- 1:00pm
peopleAudience attendance open to coop members, their students and family guests
location_on The Reformed Church of Poughkeepsie, 70 Hooker Ave NY 12601
eventSpring Music Festival
date_rangeMay 7, 2023
scheduleRecital 2:00pm
scheduleStudent rehearsal with accompanist -- 1:15pm
peopleAudience attendance open to coop members, their students and family guests
location_on The Reformed Church of Poughkeepsie, 70 Hooker Ave NY 12601
eventFall Music Festival
date_rangeOctober 30, 2022
scheduleRecital 1:30pm
scheduleStudent rehearsal with accompanist -- 12:45pm
peopleAudience attendance open to coop members, their students and family guests
location_on The Reformed Church of Poughkeepsie, 70 Hooker Ave NY 12601
eventSpring Music Festival
date_rangeJune 12, 2022
scheduleRecital 4:00pm
scheduleStudent rehearsal with accompanist -- 3:00pm
peopleAudience attendance open to coop members, their students and family guests
location_on The Reformed Church of Poughkeepsie, 70 Hooker Ave NY 12601
eventFamily Services' Festival of Trees
date_rangeDecember 11, 2021
scheduleFestival Participation: noon
location_on Poughkeepsie Tennis Club
eventStudio Recital (Halloween Theme)
date_rangeOctober 29, 2021
peopleAudience attendance open to coop members, their students and family guests
location_onCroft Road Studio, Poughkeepsie
event"Musical Potluck" -- Casual participatory event
date_rangeJune 13, 2020
scheduleCancelled due to Covid-19 pandemic
peopleAudience attendance open to coop members, their students and family guests
location_onCroft Road Studio, Poughkeepsie
eventSpring Fling: Studio Recital
date_rangeApril 25, 2020
scheduleCancelled last minute due to Covid-19 pandemic
peopleAudience attendance open to coop members, their students and family guests
location_on The Reformed Church of Poughkeepsie, 70 Hooker Ave NY 12601
eventWinter Lights: Studio Recital
date_rangeDecember 14, 2019
scheduleRecital 10:30am
scheduleWarm-ups 10:00am; student rehearsals the evening prior
peopleAudience attendance open to coop members, their students and family guests
location_on The Reformed Church of Poughkeepsie, 70 Hooker Ave NY 12601